In an ongoing TB Free initiative run by Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) over 300,000 people have been screened using the Genki solution, delivering high specificity and sensitivity of 97% as compared to human experts. Along with Tamilnadu, Genki has also been leveraged in Pondicherry, Delhi, Surat, Ahmedabad and several districts in Himachal Pradesh.
Augmento has been adopted by the esteemed Singapore Health-tech Agency, now known as Synapxe. Currently being implemented in five public hospitals, Augmento accelerates the development, testing, and deployment of imaging AI models. A vendor-neutral platform, Augmento supports diverse imaging AI models from various sources and modalities. The selection of Augmento for this rollout follows a thorough 1.5-year evaluation, aligning with Singapore's National AI strategy vision for "Radiology AI." This signifies a significant step forward in integrating advanced AI technologies to enhance healthcare services in Singapore.
The platform has also been adopted by Maxicare Healthcare, Philippines which has 100+ clinics. Augmento integrates all the centers seamlessly, allowing ability to leverage radiologists across centers and further enabling easy customer and stakeholder communication